A matchmaking event is a quick and easy way to meet potential cooperation partners in on-line face-2-face talks. 20 minutes run fast but usually it is enough to build first connections. Through the on-line match making platfrom you have the opportunity to e-meet up to 24 potential partners on one day.
until 17 June
Register via the green Registration button on the "Home" page
Create your personal profile on the online platform and complete this afterwards with a description of your market place.
In your market place you can describe the products and services that you offer and identify which kind of cooperation partner your looking for.
Publish a profile to showcase your needs
Create a strong profile which will raise your visibility to others on this platform. Make it clear and concise. Your profile should describe who you are, what you can offer to potential partners and who you want to meet. A good profile will significantly generate more meetings. Don't forget your profile will be visible on the event website even after the event.
Browse profiles of attendees
Find out who is offering interesting and promising business opportunities
27 May - 23 June (12:00)
Send & receive meeting requests
Be active not reactive. Browse published participants profiles and send meeting requests to those you want to e-meet at the event. Adding a meaningful remark why you are interested in a meeting will increase the chance that your request will be accepted. Accepted meeting requests will be scheduled automatically.
Booking rules?
Everybody can send meeting requests to everyone (except to investors as participation in the PITCH session is upon selection only, but be aware that investors of the investors panel can invite you for a meeting even if you're not selected to participate at the pitching session)
Incoming meeting requests have to be accepted by the recipients otherwise they can't be scheduled
24th June
Start your Virtual Meeting
How does the remote 1:1 meetings work?
Shortly before your meetings will take place - login into B2Match and start your meetings
1:1 meetings have to be managed remotely via Video Calls (similar to Skype)
The Video conferencing is provided by the b2match platform, thus no need to install any software
All confirmed meetings (if any) shows a button "Start Meeting" and date/time information.
At the meeting start click this button
Your meeting partner doesn't show-up? Use the "Message" button and ask for joining the meeting or re-schedule the meeting to another date/time.
Check Webcam & MicrophoneUse preferably a computer having a webcam and microphone installed (Laptop, Notepads, etc)
Keep an eye on 1:1 meeting timelines (Start/End)Please start and end your meetings as indicated, to avoid any delays.
B2B Meetings Virtual - A short intro
Closed since 17 June 2020
Brussels Agency for Business Support - hub.brussels